Real-Time PCR Assays

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are grown on an increasingly large scale. The varying worldwide approval and labelling situations create challenges for GMO testing laboratories. For reliable analysis of GMOs in food and animal feed, we offer a broad range of solutions for processed and unprocessed food and feed products.

Available kits

PCR has found broad application in GMO detection as a generally accepted method for regulatory purposes.  GMO Screening Kit analyses DNA extracted from food and feed samples for the presence of the main transgenic regulatory regions. This real-time PCR kit contains all reagents (except for the template DNA) required for the detection of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). DNA-based PCR is the accurate and most widely used method for GMO testing.

Available for:

  • Soya
  • Maize
  • Rapeseed

 Key  Benefits:

  • Fast – Detection by real-time PCR in a few hours
  • Easy – Simple implementation and user-friendly handling
  • Specific – Accurate results for target organisms
  • Sensitive – Safe detection of even the smallest quantities
  • Safe – Validated systems, confirmation of results with included controls

Real-Time PCR Assays partners

Hygiena Hygiena